apete's apage

A place for me to speak and be heard.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Infomacion v. Infomatica

So, I've discovered another problem with being from the School of Information and being horrible at speaking Spanish. Whenever, I tell someone that I am from the Escuela de Informacion, they always correct me and say Informatica, or information technology. Fortunately, I have been in the field of informatica for the past 9 years. I just say, 'No, Informacion.' Then they expect an explanation of what a school of information is. I can barely do it in English.


At 4:12 PM, March 23, 2006, Blogger srah said...

Poor thing! I usually just go with the 'informatique' thing because, while I know the French words for library and librarian, I have no idea what the study of library science is.

At 10:32 PM, March 23, 2006, Blogger apete said...

I couldn't just go with informatica. That isn't what SI is. Biblioteqoligio or something like that is Library Science. The librarian told me.

At 6:46 AM, March 26, 2006, Blogger srah said...

Well then you are very insistent on correctness! I just go with the closest thing that I know how to say.

At 10:56 AM, March 28, 2006, Blogger David said...

you should say you are with the CIA and you are going to overthrow their government! CIA meaning Clevage Inspection Agency of course.

At 8:08 PM, April 02, 2006, Blogger srah said...

Don't join that CIA! Or any CIA for that matter.


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